Monday, November 5, 2018

The Ugly Truth about being a "Gamer Girl"

I am going to share something that might shock and upset you.
Being a "Gamer Girl" is not as fun as you think it is.

I'm going to share with you 2 things that almost always happen as soon as you "out yourself" as a "gamer girl"

There is a huge elitist social stigma on one side, and a blinding creepy obsession on the other.

Neither of which are fun, I will explain:

1. They Don't Buy It

For real, they think you are just doing it for attention. The only way to validate yourself, which by the way ladies, you don't have to do, is to have played and be good at literally every game they have ever heard of or they give you zero credibility.

You don't have to be a master of everything to be allowed to be part of it!

Take me for example, I don't currently play first person shooters. I did play Halo 1-3 when I was younger, but thats about it.

In fact my sweet 16 birthday party was not a sleep over with a bunch of girls doing each others makeovers and drinking Smirnoff Ice. I had my guy friends over, and we had a Halo LAN party. This was when you needed 2 Xbox Original consoles, 2 copies of the game, a LAN cable and 2 TV's. We had the teams on their own TV, so you couldn't see where fucking James was sniping from. We ate pizza, and gamed, and that was my life most of high school.

But other than that not very good at FPS so I just die a lot and don't have any fun playing them. People who kept with those games have mastered them so I just have no place there.

I'm a self titled Vintage Gamer.

I was born in 1987, so I started gaming in the early 90's. I first started playing video games on 8 and 16 bit systems, before save cartridges/files even existed. You had to start from the beginning every time you turned on the game and see how far you could get. Some games had passwords for the levels that you might have scribbled on top of the pizza box, and if your Mom didn't throw it out yet you could start at the last level you completed. You also couldn't look up cheats online, because internet was not in everyone's homes back then either. You had to go to the drugstore and hope that the game you were playing was featured in the current issue of Nintendo Power Magazine. You couldn't just look up the map to the castle in Zelda: Link to the Past. You were going to spend lots of time figuring out how to get in and out by yo damn self.

So you get the picture, I grew up playing on a Nintendo, Turbo Grafx, Sega, Commodore 64 ect.

So of course this was before FPS games existed, before the internet, before mods, before twitch streams ect. The gaming world has evolved incredibly. Its even a competitive sport now technically.

But think about it, when the Nintendo 64 came out, and multi player games like Mario Kart 64, Golden Eye 007 and Mario Party ect. were welcoming people who didn't typically game. This allowed everyone to connect with old school gamers, and games were enjoyed by the whole family with people of varying skill level still having fun. I feel like this was when being a "Gamer" really changed. It started an era where suddenly there was a type of game for everyone. I don't really even know why its a "thing" anymore. So many people play video games now that its like identifying a group of people for eating pizza. Everyone eats pizza dude. Its a first world past time and everyone is included.

So for people to try and find out if you are a real gamer or a poser is just stupid. The gaming world includes everyone. You can be a PC Gamer, Console Gamer or even a Mobile Gamer, it all counts. [Too Soon Diablo Fans? I know I know, we will keep waiting I guess] So I say find what you like, and just enjoy it and don't let anyone tell you otherwise.

You can go play PUBG while I cozy up on the couch and replay Super Mario RPG: Legend of the 7 Stars for the 8th or 9th time and hope one day I will get a Geno Doll of my own to display proudly on my shelf of vintage video games.

2. Must Unlock Gamer Girlfriend Achievement 

Now, lets talk about the other problem. The opposite problem.

The one where the fact that you play video games and have tits suddenly puts you on a pedestal for some reason. This one drives me even more crazy. Its kind of like a cupids arrow for some guys when a girl likes video games. Regardless of what other un compatible traits this girl might have, or how cray she might be, if she plays video games and doesn't look like a gargoyle, he must have her.

Let me get one thing straight. I'm no fucking Steam Achievement okay? I am a real person with thoughts, feelings, flaws and a mind of my own. You do not get to own me. Stop treating girls who play video games like something "you must have" or call me your "dream girl" You don't know me. Don't fawn over me like you are in love with me before you even know who I am. Its not genuine affection and I don't fucking want it. You don't love me, you love the idea of me.

Are you really going to love it when I'm balls deep in Final Fantasy 10 fighting Seymour Flux and I tell you to shut up because I need to remember if Lance of Atrophy or Cross Cleave is coming up next, and if I lose track of his move order I'm dead? Trust me, I'm not cute in these moments. I mean if you want to take this pen and paper and count how many Tonberries I've captured in the Omega Ruins for the Monster Arena sure, but other wise go away. I don't ask you if you remember the day of your Christmas Staff party while you are playing Call of Duty, don't talk to me during a boss fight. This isn't a porn hub fantasy, you are not going to be able to start something while I'm playing a game. Don't touch me, I will hit you.

So please, take me seriously and take the time to get to know all of me. Playing video games isn't my entire being. I have other hobbies, I have other things that make me who I am. There is an entire person that comes a long with it and it would be nice to know you desire the rest of that bundle.

Don't hold me to different expectations because I am a girl and don't revere me because I am a girl either. [Social] Gender is stupid. My private parts have nothing to do with video games so please just treat me like a person?

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