Swap-bot is an online community of creative folks who swap items in the the mail based on the themed swap in which they join. In this blog you will find lots of items I have sent and received. Also crafts I have made that wouldn't be possible without swap-bot. I originally got into it when a friend of mine showed me this awesome little craft called ATC's (Artist Trading Card) You take a 2.5 by 3.5 inch piece of cardstock and create a small piece of art. Its the same size as a baseball card so you can collect them, and trade them and make them for friends. Here are some examples:
This is actually the first one I ever made, its a Lyrics ATC, featuring lyrics from an Alexisonfire song. ATC swaps can feature many themes, lyrics themed ATC swaps are my absolute fav. |
This was for a Food with Faces ATC swap. So I made a little kawaii pie colling on the window sill. Cute huh? |
Inspired? All you need to know about starting this adicting craft your self can be found right here
I also do a lot of themed package swaps, which are super fun. Its how I have accumulated so much adorable items I would otherwise have to shop endless hours and dollars for on the internet, or otherwise never be able to find at all.
This was for a Strawberry themed swap. All item has to smell, taste or depict strawberries. SO FUN |
So visit the link above and explore! Its only the funnest things Ive ever done on the internet!